Runtime environment of Spring Web Services by R4R Team

Runtime environment of Spring Web Services:-

Spring Web Services requires a standard Java 1.5 Runtime Environment. Java 1.6 is also supported. Spring-WS also requires Spring 3.0 or higher.

Spring-WS consists of a number of modules are described as follows;

1 The XML module (spring-xml.jar) contains various XML support classes for Spring Web Services. This module is mainly intended for the Spring-WS framework itself, and not a Web service developers.

2 The Core module (spring-ws-core.jar) is the central part of the Spring's Web services functionality. It provides the central WebServiceMessage and SoapMessage interfaces, the server-side framework, with powerful message dispatching, and the various support classes for implementing Web service endpoints; and the client-side WebServiceTemplate.

3 The Support module (spring-ws-support.jar) contains additional transports (JMS, Email, and others).

4 The Security package (spring-ws-security.jar) provides a WS-Security implementation that integrates with the core Web service package. It allows you to add principal tokens, sign, and decrypt and encrypt SOAP messages.

The following figure shows the Spring-WS modules and the dependencies between them. Arrows indicate dependencies, i.e. Spring-WS Core depends on Spring-XML and the OXM module .

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